The home of

gospel music!

Where everyone's invited,

to PRAISE HIS Holy Name...


Todays Scripture

1 Thessalonians 5:23

And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).





Are you looking for a radio station that gives you music, talk shows and news that are family friendly? If yes, you’ve come to the right


Hey everybody, JJ Barnett here—Senior Programming Manager and Talk Show Producer at Praise 1615 WNVG [New Voices of Gospel] radio station in Atlanta, the home of gospel music.

My job is to make sure that the content you hear on our station isn't just family friendly but it makes you wanna praise HIS Holy Name and get even closer to GOD today than you were the day before.



"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp


Mornings w/Pastor JJ "GODs Chosen Vessel" Barnett

6:00am - 10:00am

Start your day every morning expecting a move of GOD. Tune in to Chosen Vessels and allow GOD to pour into your heart and mind HIS Word for the day, taught by Pastor JJ GODs Chosen Vessel Barnett and music tracks that'll get you pumped up for the day ahead and they'll stir your heart and mind to draw even closer to our Heavenly Father.


w/John & Jane Doe

10:00am - 11:30am

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. Indie Airplay showcases new voices of gospel music with a spotlight on independent artists with anointed voices to worship GOD in this hour in spirit and in truth. Tune in to Indie Airplay and get your praise on.


5:00pm - 6:00pm

Tune in to Praise 1615 and dive into a world where faith meets humor! Experience comedy like never before as our the Kings and Queens of Christian Comedy blend spiritual wisdom with contagious laughter. They're ready to tickle your funny bone while nurturing your soul. So, turn the dial, let the joyous laughter roll, and brighten your day with us!

"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp


Bedtime Story's For The Little Souls

6:00pm - 6:30pm

Tune in to a place where faith meets fantasy. Praise 1615 WNVG, the #1 rated safe place for listeners of all ages brings you the most captivating Christian bedtime stories for kids. Every tale carefully crafted to ignite imagination, instill values, and deepen the roots of faith in our young listeners. Isn't it time you turned their bedtime into an adventure of faith? A gentle lullaby of stories woven with lessons of love, forgiveness, and kindness. Grab this opportunity, join our worldwide family of listeners, and infuse your child's dreams with stories that echo with the warmth of Christian values. Switch on the imagination, tuck your little one's in and tune in now!


Evenings w/ Pastor Dione Barnett

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Many are called but few are chosen, yet to them who are the called according to HIS purpose, we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD. Join Pastor Dione Barnett week nights on her journey where the end times in our present day life have an encounter with the Word of GOD and Pastor Barnett answers the call of GOD to rightly divide HIS Word.


From Courtship to Marriage

Relationship Conversations w/Judge D'vorah & Apostle Obed Edom

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of courtship and marriage by GODs definition? Are you looking for answers concerning matters of the heart but from GODs perspective? Do you need help resolving relationship problems? Tune in to Covenant Relationships with GOD--From Courtship to Marriage and learn about GODs perspective on dating, courtship and marriage. You can also join the conversation as a guest to have your questions answered and relationship problems resolved live on the air by Judge D'vorah and Apostle Obed Edom.

"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp
"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp


w/John & Jane Doe

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Christian Business Owners! Are you seeking a platform to share your inspiring journey, discuss your faith-based business model, and introduce your unique products or services to a vast, interactive audience? Then, we have the perfect opportunity for you.
Kingdom Business, our engaging radio talk show, tailored for Christian entrepreneurs like you, is an incredible platform for your business to shine. It's more than a live radio interview; it's an opportunity to connect with the Praise 1615 WNVG radio stations diverse, rapidly growing audience who are eagerly searching for faith-filled enterprises to support.
Tell our listeners about the hurdles you've overcome, the victories you've won and the unique way in which faith directs your business. Share your expertise, the distinct solutions your business offers, and how it positively impacts our community, and especially how it impacts members of the Body of Christ.
Harness the power of radio to resonate with potential customers on a deeper level, persuading them that your business is the perfect answer to their needs. Your testimony will not only spark their curiosity but also build brand awareness, trust and credibility, a critical factor in their purchasing journey.
Don't just promote your business, tell your story and let the audience truly understand your 'why'. Your journey could be the motivation that fuels a budding entrepreneur or the perfect solution that a customer has been seeking all along.

Join us today, and let your story inspire, motivate and convert our audience into your clientele. You have something truly unique to offer, and we can't wait to hear all about it. Reach out to us right away to book your spot on our talk show. Your journey awaits to be told. Let’s script it together.

Anointed Voices of Gospel Spotlight

Maurette Brown Clark

Elevation Worship

Trinity Anderson


Todays Wisdom For Your Soul


August 2, 2024

The Cost of Sanctification

And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

1 Thessalonians 5:23


When we pray, asking God to sanctify us, are we prepared to measure up to what that really means? We take the word sanctification much too lightly. Are we really prepared to pay the cost of sanctification? The cost will be a deep restriction of all our [temporal] earthly concerns, and an extensive cultivation of all our godly concerns. Sanctification means to be intensely focused on God’s point of view, and not our own perspective. It means to secure and to keep all the strength of our body, soul, and spirit (our heart, our mind and imagination) for God’s purpose alone. Are we really prepared for God to perform in us everything for which He separated us? And after He has done His work, are we then prepared to consecrate ourselves to God just as Jesus did? “For their sakes I sanctify Myself…” (John 17:19). The reason some of us have not entered into the experience of sanctification is that we have not realized the meaning of sanctification from God’s perspective. Sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the nature that controlled Him will control us. Are we really prepared for what that will cost? It will cost absolutely everything in us which is not of God.

Are we prepared to say, “Lord, make me, a sinner saved by grace, as holy as You can”? Jesus prayed that we might be one with Him, just as He is one with the Father (see John 17:21-23). The resounding evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life is the unmistakable family likeness to Jesus Christ, and the freedom from everything which is not like Him. Are we prepared to set ourselves apart for the Holy Spirit’s work in us?

"But as HE which hath called you is Holy, so be ye Holy in all manner of conversation;

Because it is written, Be ye Holy; for I am Holy."

1 Peter 1:15-16

Worship Leader of the Month

"praise 1615" "wnvg" "praise 1615 wnvg" "the home of gospel music" "gospel musics got a new home" #praise1615 #wnvg #praise1615wnvg #thehomeofgospelmusic #gospelmusicsgotanewhome #thefaithfulchurch #acts1615 "acts 16:15" "the home of gospel music" #trinityanderson #williammcdowell #trueworship "true worship" #newvoicesofgospel "new voices of gospel" "mary mary" #marymary #marvinsapp

Minister Gregg 'G-Sharp' Capers

Even at 63 years of age, this classical music trained worship leader still can set the atmosphere of praise and worship on any given Sunday morning.  Worship Leader/Minister of Music Gregg ‘G-Sharp’ Capers was born in The Bronyx to Johnathan Simon (father) and Deloris White (mother) in 1961.

On July 5 of this year, he will have the honor of celebrating 13 years of marriage to his beautiful and phenomenal wife, Lasharus Leggett-Capers alongside their 4 sons.

Before his tenure at Daystar Deliverance Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Eric Hawthorne in Richardson, TX, Gregg G-Sharp has played multiple times at New Yorks world renowned Apolo Theatre and was the percussionist in the movie, ‘Set It Off’.

On April 17, 2024, the illustrious and talented Gregg G-Sharp Capers was named as the Praise 1615 WNVG New Voices of Gospel Music Worship Leader of the Month.

Join us on Wednesday May 1 at 7:00PM eastern time (6pm central time) on Praise 1615 WNVG as we honor Worship Leader/Minister of Music Gregg G-Sharp Capers.

Nominate Your Church's

Minister of Music

as the

Praise 1615

Worship Leader of the Month

They guide the hymns, inspire the congregation, and uplift the service with their melodies. Yet, they often stand in the shadow, hardly noticed by the congregation. It's time we turn the spotlight onto those unsung heroes - our Ministers of Music, our Worship Leaders.
We're inviting you to nominate your Church's Minister of Music for the Worship Leader of the Month award. The winner will not only receive the recognition they deserve but will also be featured in a special story on the Praise 1615 radio station website.
But that's not all. The winner will have the unique opportunity of joining us for a live on-air interview, along with their gospel music choir. This is a chance for the wider community to meet the person behind the heartening music, to hear their journey, and to celebrate their dedication.
So, let's honor those who shower us with divine melodies and help us connect with our faith on a deeper level. Nominate your Minister of Music and let's celebrate their contribution to our spiritual journey.